Call of duty 4 download
Call of duty 4 download

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We do not have time to pick them up, because 2 planes destroy the ship. Together with the squad, we capture the enemy's ship and learn that one container contains secret documents and goods. In the course of the first missions, we will plunge into the Bering Strait in a real sense.

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He is obliged, together with the detachment, to clear the territory, and after that we return to Captain Price. The story at this point is told from the perspective of Operative Agent Sope. We are the first to participate in conflicts. The intelligence services of the United States and Great Britain reveal the secret conspiracies of Imran, therefore they send troops to both hot spots. At the time, a national war was being fomented in the Middle East amid religiosity with the help of Khaled Al-Assad. Many terrorist groups come to his aid, which kindle internal conflicts in Russia - the civil war. He is trying to get Russia back into the hands of people like him and re-create the USSR. First person shooter - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare - implemented new graphics, weapons and a plot in which we again eliminate terrorism. And also we will go through several missions for the soldiers of the regular units of these countries.

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We are subordinate to several fighters from the special services of the United States and Great Britain. The plot of this part is connected with political events in the world in the 21st century, when military operations were carried out on the territory of Russia, Azerbaijan and Ukraine.

Call of duty 4 download