What is evernote used for
What is evernote used for

what is evernote used for what is evernote used for what is evernote used for

But I am an adopter type so you can count on this being fairly thorough for only using the software for a week. I promise to update this article as I get a stronger handle. Original 1/14/20 - I’ve only been using Notion for a week, thus I won’t be covering everything and I don’t fully appreciate the architecture yet so I may get a few things wrong. But I agreed and began running the tools side by side, Notion for the startup and Evernote for everything else.Ĭaveat Update 2/23/21 - I’m 100% a power user now over a year of daily use. He pressed me to see this as an opportunity to start using Notion and maybe make the switch altogether. The same colleague who introduced me to Notion in the first place put a stake in the ground and said we weren’t going to use Evernote to keep track of documents for this project. Even with that realization, it still seemed daunting to migrate from Evernote so I kinda just back burnered the idea.Ībout a month ago I started working on a project with some friends. But without a doubt they handle everything Evernote does and way more. They even cover much of the uses cases for Jira. They have a lot of what you get with Asana and Trello. They have features comparable to Airtable. It goes way beyond note taking as it attempts to replace a range of tools one might use. I first discovered Notion a year ago on recommendation from a colleague. Every time I would see a new tool I tried it a bit, liked this and that better than Evernote, but just gave up because I couldn’t justify the effort to switch.Įnter Notion, the self proclaimed All-in-one workspace. I now have thousands of notes there so the switching cost has become very high for me. And even tho Evernote is the priciest of the lot at $7.99/month I stuck it out. I had tried dozens of solutions (OneNote, Keep, SimpleNote, Bear, etc.) but kept always coming back to Evernote. But for most of the time I’ve been using Evernote, I’ve referred to it as the Best of the Worst as far as note taking apps go. When I sink my teeth into a software solution, I’m all in and I become an evangelist. I’ve probably converted 100 people to using that software over the years. So I’ve been a longtime paying subscriber to Evernote, 7+ years I’d say.

What is evernote used for